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America to Outlaw Harm Reduction Information

Author: Jonty Adderley
Friday, June 14, 2002
Factual information and scientific research on ecstasy published on the internet poses a threat to America's youth, according to a new report by the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC). The US organisation this week published a list of 37 "drug menace" sites including the highly respected Lindesmith Center, now run by the Drug Policy Alliance.

Bill McColl, director of National Affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance, which includes the former Lindesmith Center, was highly displeased at making the list. "This is quite an outrage," Bill McColl, director of National Affairs for the Drug Policy Alliance, told DRCNet.

"I have no idea what they think is a problem here. This web page consists of scientific research, my testimony before the Sentencing Commission and similar items. The federal government ought to be ashamed of itself."

The NDIC's publication of their list came days after DEA chief Asa Hutchinson told a meeting of female legislators that such information poses a threat.

"Our fight against drugs is a battle against misinformation; the kind that tells our youth that ecstasy and other club drugs are somehow safe," said Hutchinson.

"It's the perception that so long as they drink enough water or take small amounts of ecstasy, no harm will come." Joy Westrum, the head of the influential National Foundation of Women Legislators, agreed, telling DRCNet, "We are not interested in harm minimization. Harm reduction says we're not clever enough to handle the problem.

"We'll be looking for effective model legislation and other drug-related legislation," she added. "We'll try to shut down some of these rave establishments that house these horrible activities."

"> (full list of America's 36 "Drug Menace" sites., Drug Reform Coordination Network)